Acceptance and Appreciation

I’ve realized within the last few years I’ve developed a bit of a Type A personality. Not to any extreme and I (usually) don’t try to micromanage other people, but when it comes to my own personal situations I get too much of a control freak and I panic about things entirely out of my control.

Because of this wonderful tendency of mine, I am eternally grateful to have found such a calm, easy-going guy. He usually knows how to calm me down and make me see rationally. Sometimes it’s just talking me through things and other times it’s something as abrupt as pouring a cold bucket of water over my head (that’s an analogy, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he did that. Haha). He’s really good at getting me to accept that I can’t fix a lot of things and that it’s okay. He also lets me know that whatever issue I am having he is right there to fix it as best as he can, should I need it.

It’s really nice to have people like that. I think everyone needs at least one person who counteracts their crazy. He’s really great. He’s calm and never makes me feel stupid or yells back at me, even if I’m angrily crying that he hasn’t cleaned the kitchen in a week and I’m upset because I’m PMSing and I don’t know how to handle my feelings. But instead of yelling back he just hugs me and gives me a kiss and then goes and cleans the kitchen without complaining.

He doesn’t let me walk over him, luckily, so I don’t want anyone getting that impression. His passiveness does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. I try to go out of my way to do nice things for him and make sure he knows what he’s done for me. I really could not have asked for a better ‘other half.’

So when I trap myself in an anxiety cage and I don’t know how to get out, he comes over with the key and tells me how to unlock it. He doesn’t coddle me, but he helps me through it. He’s teaching me about acceptance and I appreciate him more than I can ever explain.

Thanks for listening to a rather mushy post!


About trishamf

I am a 26 year old girl who loves everything green. I am currently working on a degree towards Parks and Recreation: Park Management and eventually would like to get involved in plant and butterfly conservation. I am an avid Yogi, marrying the man of my dreams this fall, and I have the greatest Golden Retriever in the world.
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